Posts Tagged ‘jobs’

Save the taxpayers money. Go on welfare.

October 31, 2009

So let me get this straight:

650,000 jobs were “saved or created” in the stimulus package. Even if you assume those numbers are accurate (ha… stop laughing). The stimulus bill was $787 billion.

I wasn’t a math major, but 787,000,000,000 divided by 650,000 is about $1,210,769 per job “saved or created.” So if the average wage in America is around $40,000 (45K for men, 35K for women), the annual cost for the those 650,000 people would be about $26 billion.

So why didn’t we just let them get fired, and put them all on welfare for the next 30 years (yes, that’s 787 billion divided by the annual 26 billion)? I know. I know. That doesn’t include the interest savings of paying that out over 30 years, but let’s assume we provide a COLA (cost of living adjustment) that balances that out. I know. I know. COLAs aren’t guaranteed anymore. Of course, if you don’t get a COLA, you’ll get a $250 check instead. Because, gee, we wouldn’t want you to have to go without a raise now would we?

If we were to ask those 650,000 people which they would have preferred, which do you think they would want? Their job? Or early retirement with full pay for the next 30 years?

Once again, the government does things so inefficiently.