Posts Tagged ‘insanity’

And the biggest problem facing us today is … apathy?

February 15, 2008

It’s long been my opinion that we have a problem in this country. No, it’s not a decay of morals, though there probably is. No, it’s not a desensitizing to violence and other people’s tragedies as a result of the TV news or YouTube. No it’s not the sheer amount of money being thrown around in the name of votes and it’s not even the near complete corruption of our elected governmental representatives, though those are doozies.

The biggest problem facing our country is that we don’t care. Or I should say don’t care enough to use the Checks-and-Balances built into the system.

We tune in to the TV News or entertainment programs because the problems of celebrities are more interesting than those in our own lives (and the solutions seem much easier to obtain; if only we had THOSE problems instead of ours!). We complain about the people on the other side of the Political spectrum because they are destroying the fabric of our Country. We complain about the cost of gas, the paychecks of CEOs, the lawns of our neighbors. We complain about the state of our Government and elected Representatives, and sometimes even our own Party.

But come Election Day, we keep voting the same people back into office. Why? Largely because the parties keep supporting the incumbents, so what choice do we have, right?

We always have a choice, depending on what degree we want to get involved. There are people we can write; grassroots organizations we can form. It’s the Internet age (thanks Al!), organizing and assembling like-minded people has never been easier. GET INVOLVED. GET MAD. USE YOUR RIGHT TO VOTE.

Look, with a Congressional Approval Rating of between 26 and 30%, we have no business retaining any of them. Time to enforce the “Term Limits” built into the system and remember that these PUBLIC SERVANTS SERVE AT OUR PLEASURE AND AT OUR DISGRESSION.

Because complaining about a problem without action fits in the popular definition of insanity.

This post goes well with this post.