Posts Tagged ‘House’

This is what you call “pandering to your base”

February 29, 2008

From the National Republican Congressional Committee site:

These are real survey questions…. Emphasis mine in the questions….answers mine.

1. Do you support the House Democrats’ “slow-bleed” strategy to “choke-off” funding for our troops in Iraq, leading to their withdrawal and a perception of American defeat?
Well of course…with such neutrally-worded language, who wouldn’t?
2. Should Republicans continue fighting for full implementation of a ballistic missile defense system?
Or should they use the Democrats strategy to “choke-off” support leading to their full disownment of the issue and a well-spun LACK OF perception of Party defeat?
3. Do you agree with the Nancy Pelosi Democrat Majority’s decision to impose massive tax hikes on the American people?
Let me just say that I don’t agree with anything that Harpy does. Having said that, are they really MASSIVE?
4. Do you support making all of the Bush tax cuts permanent?
Hypothetically, since I support ALL tax cuts, would I be allowed to continue the survey if I said “no”? Seriously, this is sent out to people who have signed up on a Republican web site; do they think they are actually going to get a bunch of negative responses on this? What is the actual point of asking this question?
5. Do you think that House Republicans should continue to push for pro-growth policies that create jobs and oppose tax increases that would add a burden to working families and set back our economy?
I think there’s a subtle message to all of these questions: Republicans apparently only work for policies that are positive and will help all of Mankind and the Democrats are selling us down the road to Ruindom.
6. Do you support Congressional Republicans’ efforts to decrease domestic government spending in order to reduce the national deficit?
LMMFAO at any politician of any political stripe claiming to care about spending. Sorry guys but the “Contract With America” is long since dead; it got trichinosis.
7. Do you support the Democrats’ efforts to give federal government bureaucrats complete control of your health care costs and choices?
Wow, how did they know that’s EXACTLY what I’m looking for? To give a Government official more CONTROL. Clearly they wrote this survey to rile up the Libertarians amongst them.
8. Should Republicans in Congress make expansion of Veterans’ benefits a priority?
How do you vote against the Veterans? Keep in mind this is the same Party and same survey where they just asked if we wanted them to decrease domestic government spending. Now they want to spend more. The trick to magic is to not look at the hand doing the actual trick, but to watch the hand the magician wants you to see.
9. Do you support maintaining anti-terrorism laws that give law enforcement and intelligence agencies the far-reaching powers to track, detain and prosecute terrorists and their accomplices?
Assuming that the laws are only used to prosecute terrorists and their accomplices. If, for one, don’t trust them when they uses words like “far-reaching powers”. Someone in their Spin department should get fired for that one.
10. Should Republicans in the House of Representatives make securing our nation’s borders and enforcing our nation’s immigration laws, including combating the hiring of illegal workers and ending the “catch and release” policy a top priority?
Let me see…last time I checked, one of governments primary jobs WAS TO SECURE OUR NATION’S BORDERS. That is really one of the most clearly defined roles of the Government; to protect it’s citizens life, liberty and the pursuit of huge tracts of land. If they can’t get this right (and they can’t) how do we trust them with anything else?
11. Do you think House Republicans should continue fighting for comprehensive education reform to ensure that every child in America receives a first-rate education?
There were 4 questions in a row that didn’t claim that the Democrats were part of the Axis of Evil. Clearly the Republicans can claim the high road on this survey. Since I sincerely doubt the education system’s ability to deliver a first-rate education I don’t see how getting the government involved in the situation is going make it better. Once again these are the same people that asked me if I wanted them to decrease domestic spending. The government has never met a problem they didn’t try to throw money at. They are incapable of rending other aid (sometimes by Law; a good thing).
12. Do you agree that winning back a Republican Majority in the House of Representatives is essential to stopping the Nancy Pelosi Democrats from raising our taxes, destroying our economy and endangering our homeland?
Ooops…so much for the high road….