Posts Tagged ‘Government Reform’

Save the taxpayers money. Go on welfare.

October 31, 2009

So let me get this straight:

650,000 jobs were “saved or created” in the stimulus package. Even if you assume those numbers are accurate (ha… stop laughing). The stimulus bill was $787 billion.

I wasn’t a math major, but 787,000,000,000 divided by 650,000 is about $1,210,769 per job “saved or created.” So if the average wage in America is around $40,000 (45K for men, 35K for women), the annual cost for the those 650,000 people would be about $26 billion.

So why didn’t we just let them get fired, and put them all on welfare for the next 30 years (yes, that’s 787 billion divided by the annual 26 billion)? I know. I know. That doesn’t include the interest savings of paying that out over 30 years, but let’s assume we provide a COLA (cost of living adjustment) that balances that out. I know. I know. COLAs aren’t guaranteed anymore. Of course, if you don’t get a COLA, you’ll get a $250 check instead. Because, gee, we wouldn’t want you to have to go without a raise now would we?

If we were to ask those 650,000 people which they would have preferred, which do you think they would want? Their job? Or early retirement with full pay for the next 30 years?

Once again, the government does things so inefficiently.

Presidential Accountability

November 11, 2008

According to many, President George W. Bush has been a failed administration for several reasons. So indeed, the American people have spoken and “Change” is finally here. Some have complained that President-elect Obama is a bloviator who would say anything to get elected. I’m not sure that’s the case. Regardless, I do believe in government accountability and certainly believe that we should hold candidates that we entrust with public office accountable.

Investor’s Business Daily has recently posted a list of some of the promises that the President-to-be made during the campaign. ( I encourage us, as the American electorate, to remind Mr. Obama of his promises and hold him accountable for them during his administration of the highest office of the land. The list is further pasted below.


• Give a tax break to 95% of Americans.

• Restore Clinton-era tax rates on top income earners.

• “If you make under $250,000, you will not see your taxes increase by a single dime. Not your income taxes, not your payroll taxes, not your capital gains taxes. Nothing.”

• Dramatically simplify tax filings so that millions of Americans will be able to do their taxes in less than five minutes.

• Give American businesses a $3,000 tax credit for every job they create in the U.S.

• Eliminate capital gains taxes for small business and startup companies.

• Eliminate income taxes for seniors making under $50,000.

• Expand the child and dependent care tax credit.

• Expand the earned income tax credit.

• Create a universal mortgage credit.

• Create a small business health tax credit.

• Provide a $500 “make work pay” tax credit to small businesses.

• Provide a $1,000 emergency energy rebate to families.


• Spend $15 billion a year on renewable sources of energy.

• Eliminate oil imports from the Middle East in 10 years.

• Increase fuel economy standards by 4% a year.

• Weatherize 1 million homes annually.

• Ensure that 10% of our electricity comes from renewable sources by 2012.


• Create 5 million green jobs.

• Implement a cap-and-trade program to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

• Get 1 million plug-in hybrids on the road by 2015.


• Sign a fair pay restoration act, which would overturn the Supreme Court’s pay discrimination ruling.

• Sign into law an employee free choice act — aka card check — to make it easier for unions to organize.

• Make employers offer seven paid sick days per year.

• Increase the minimum wage to $9.50 an hour by 2009.

National security

• Remove troops from Iraq by the summer of 2010.

• Cut spending on unproven missile defense systems.

• No more homeless veterans.

• Stop spending $10 billion a month in Iraq.

• Finish the fight against Osama bin Laden and the al-Qaida terrorists.

Social Security

• Work in a “bipartisan way to preserve Social Security for future generations.”

• Impose a Social Security payroll tax on incomes above $250,000.

• Match 50% of retirement savings up to $1,000 for families earning less than $75,000.


• Demand higher standards and more accountability from our teachers.


• Go through the budget, line by line, ending programs we don’t need and making the ones we do need work better and cost less.

• Slash earmarks.

Health care

• Lower health care costs for the typical family by $2,500 a year.

• Let the uninsured get the same kind of health insurance that members of Congress get.

• Stop insurance companies from discriminating against those who are sick and need care the most.

• Spend $10 billion over five years on health care information technology.

Obama…The Robin Hood of our Times?

October 16, 2008

By now I’m sure we all have heard Obama’s plans on tax’s. I am sure to many most of his proposals sound great because it means less out of their pockets, or in some cases putting some in if your one of those who fall within the 40% who don’t pay tax’s at all (sounds like tax welfare to me). Those in the top 5% will have to give up tax breaks given in the past in an effort to give the rest of us po’ folk a tax break. Is it fair to dump the majority of the tax burden on those who make a good living because they are few while we the little people are many? What makes people think the “Rich” don’t pay more than their fair share of tax’s now?

I think if everybody did their own tax’s most would realize the fact that indeed many folks in the +250K range pay quite a bit more than let’s say those in the 75k area when it comes to tax’s, not just in dollars, but % of income! To suggest that they are getting away with something in regards to tax’s is ridiculous. When discussing the issue at BBQ’s and such the one thing I hear the most is “Well, they can afford it, so what’s the big deal?”. The big deal is that it is not right to in essence “Punish” those who are financially successful in an effort to re-distribute that wealth to those who are not. That is unfair, and in my opinion un-American, not to mention it being the cornerstone of socialism.

Time and time again both Obama and Biden have made this election about class warfare, in all it’s various shapes and sizes. Tax’s, Health Care, Education, Economy, Poverty or whatever the subject may be, it’s those evil rich folks against us defenseless victimized poor ones. It’s insulting to the intelligence of the American people, and pure rubbish.

Let’s take the now popular conversation between Joe the plumber and Obama. I went to the New York Times websight and was only able to locate this pathetic little tidbit regarding the incedent . Spectacular journalism… Fox on the other hand had the incedent a little more flushed out and in my opinion explained the plumbers plight in much greater detail.

Here is a guy who supposedly wants to grow and expand his business to achieve financial success. We are not talking about some mortgage broker, attorney or some white collar job, but a plumber. And for his efforts he is being taxed ever more and would suffer greater financial hardship under Obama’s new and improved tax plan for America. So when he tells Obama he will pay even more tax’s to achieve this success the response he gets speaks volumes about Obamas doctrine, which simply put is to take more of his hard earned well deserved money and spread it to those who don’t.  Why does Obama feel that dollars earned by the “Rich” should be taken and given to the “Poor”? Just ask those at ACORN and I’m sure they could give you a dozen answers to that query. That my friends is re-distribution of wealth and socialist dogma through and through.

When I go to Obama’s website and read his plans the one thing that presents itself again and again is bigger government and crippling tax’s. Does anybody really think that if he lowers tax’s on 95% of the populace and guts the other 5% he can pay for all the government oversight and spending he is presenting? It’s pandering for votes via class warfare and it’s not balanced at all. We all know Biden’s view on taxing the wealthy minority, as if they finally are getting what’s coming to them and its now their “Patriotic Duty” to sit back, shut up, while they take more because after all they can afford it andothers less fortunate have a right to those dollars anyways. Rich people spend lot’s of money and pay alot of salary’s in the process lest anybody forget, and do there part to drive this economy.

Is business the bad guy here? Are big corporations evil? Some may be, but the vast majority are not. Wanting to turn a profit for investors or in the case of the small business for oneself is as natural and normal as breathing. Why not lower the corporate tax as some have suggested? We are in  a global market now and America needs to aggressively compete once again in it to keep and grow skilled high paid labor. Over time cheap labor will disappear overseas and we will be in a much better position to capitalize on it if we act now to get the ball rolling in that direction. By raising taxes especially on business in any form is cutting off the lifeblood of this nation in this rough economy. Tax’s and the Economy, there never is one without the other.

To get back on point is it sound economic policy to take from the rich and give to the middle and lower class? Absolutely not, but it is a good way to try andget elected by pandering to the majority. It destroys the entrepreneurial spirit on which this nation was founded, not to mention socialist ideology. May I remind those out there we still are a capitalist nation(for the moment). I am reminded by politicians of the old west offering bribes on election day to crowds in exchange for votes. Obama offers tax cuts to the vast majority and the rumor of a 2nd stimulus plan if elected. Cigar anybody?

Look at the economic and tax proposals of the Democratic and Republican candidates. One is a proponent of higher tax’s, big government, increased spending and increased oversight. The other supports smaller government, fiscal discipline, personal responsibility and keeping tax’s low for all Americans. One wants to cut spending, the other increase it. The choice is yours in November, so get involved, be a part of the solution and cast your vote!


With the world economy in bad shape(we are not alone mind you), the housing market in tatters, unemployment rates increasing and centers of wealth folding weekly how do you think Obama’s going to pay for his proposed $1,000,000,000,000 in new government spending? History bares witness to the results of raising taxes in poor economic times, or are those enamoured with Obama’s celebrity status so blind they would follow him right off a cliff like lemmings on the march? My opinion is if elected he will inevitably  lower his annual income bar to achieve his overall goals.