Posts Tagged ‘ACORN’

HAVA, Republican Suppression Tool or Real Voter Registration Reform?

October 22, 2008

Democrats have been accusing Republicans of using HAVA(Help America Vote Act) to suppress Hispanics, blacks, disabled, elderly as well as those of low income status who traditionally vote Democrat(their words) from having their votes counted. It’s nice to see that the Democrats time and again paint themselves as the saviours of the underrepresented, the disenfranchised, and that they alone are looking out for their needs on election day.

They make it sound like only the rich are Republicans, and that the Dems alone have their best interests in mind. My Great Aunt and Grandmother would be insulted to be viewed in such a light, as if they were helpless victims that can’t do for themselves. Stereotyping those I mentioned above is insulting in my opinion, as if they are unable or incapable of having some control over their own destiny.  That they, The Democratic Party, know what’s best for them in light of their present situation. Sound like big goverment?

I have heard many Dem’s accuse the present administration of using “scare tactics” in an effort to suppress those that would vote for their members by imposing stricter methods of identifying legal voters to avoid registration and voter fraud. Dem’s have also stated for a couple years that their is no evidence of either happening and that the administration is chasing a problem that does not exist. Read a paper lately?

Look, you have to register to vote. All the scary stuff is on that form which can be picked up at any Post Office or printed on-line. Once you fill  out the form with the PROPER information you mail it in your state or counties registrar of voters office for verification. Once it is verified and determined not to be fraudulant you are added to the voter roles. If your name changes, you move, you need to re-register. If you have your civil rights taken, you lose your right to vote and are removed from the roles. If a felon registers they are denied unless their civil rights are restored. If their are names on the roles that hold unverifiable information, don’t match other sources of state records(DMV, for instance), they are placed in suspension and if suspected and found fraudulent, purged. 

It is the voters responsibility to keep this information up to date, not the governments. You should when going to the polls provide ID before getting a ballot to insure that indeed you are who you say you are and are legally registered to vote. In my state when registering we provide our ID# as one of the ways to identify who we are. How is that unfair or unjust? Take personal responsibility to insure your right to vote.

My wife did not receive her absentee ballot. Mine went to our old address and they gave it to me. We both went to the DMV when we moved and requested that they re-register us along with the other stuff we were doing. Obviously that did not happen. I immediately printed the registration forms from on-line, filled them out and mailed them. I called the registrar of voters office a couple days later and found that my wife was put in suspension and neither of our addresses were updated. Needless to say we took care of it and everything is up to date, are going to re-send her absentee ballot(they received the original back as undeliverable, so yes, it was accounted for) and she will be voting on the 4th. 

HAVA was created to avoid a Florida like voting disaster we saw in 2000. Their needs to be accuracy, accountability and confidence in our voting system. This aids in identifying Individuals or groups like ACORN who attempt to perpetrate registration and voter fraud so they are caught, removing there ability to continue corrupting our nations elections. At this time it appears voter registration fraud is running rampit in border-states, Florida and not surprisingly, key battleground states. Do you think that’s just a coincidence? For the record, I don’t. I believe the FBI investigation is now spread to 15 states in regards to ACORN’s involvement in “Getting out the Vote”. Look what groups, individuals and political parties are supporting this rogue establishment? Quid pro quo, you get us votes we’ll give you $. Need I say more?

Where there is smoke, there is fire. This is an issue that needs to be put to rest. Our election process needs to be unbiased, fair and accountable. Strong measures need to be taken to insure that they remain so, and that is why HAVA was created. Take personal responsibility to insure that your voting rights are protected by registering to vote at your local post office or at your county registrar’s web sight. It’s a simple task, and you don’t need others like ACORN to do it for you. Vote with confidence Nov 4th!

Obama…The Robin Hood of our Times?

October 16, 2008

By now I’m sure we all have heard Obama’s plans on tax’s. I am sure to many most of his proposals sound great because it means less out of their pockets, or in some cases putting some in if your one of those who fall within the 40% who don’t pay tax’s at all (sounds like tax welfare to me). Those in the top 5% will have to give up tax breaks given in the past in an effort to give the rest of us po’ folk a tax break. Is it fair to dump the majority of the tax burden on those who make a good living because they are few while we the little people are many? What makes people think the “Rich” don’t pay more than their fair share of tax’s now?

I think if everybody did their own tax’s most would realize the fact that indeed many folks in the +250K range pay quite a bit more than let’s say those in the 75k area when it comes to tax’s, not just in dollars, but % of income! To suggest that they are getting away with something in regards to tax’s is ridiculous. When discussing the issue at BBQ’s and such the one thing I hear the most is “Well, they can afford it, so what’s the big deal?”. The big deal is that it is not right to in essence “Punish” those who are financially successful in an effort to re-distribute that wealth to those who are not. That is unfair, and in my opinion un-American, not to mention it being the cornerstone of socialism.

Time and time again both Obama and Biden have made this election about class warfare, in all it’s various shapes and sizes. Tax’s, Health Care, Education, Economy, Poverty or whatever the subject may be, it’s those evil rich folks against us defenseless victimized poor ones. It’s insulting to the intelligence of the American people, and pure rubbish.

Let’s take the now popular conversation between Joe the plumber and Obama. I went to the New York Times websight and was only able to locate this pathetic little tidbit regarding the incedent . Spectacular journalism… Fox on the other hand had the incedent a little more flushed out and in my opinion explained the plumbers plight in much greater detail.

Here is a guy who supposedly wants to grow and expand his business to achieve financial success. We are not talking about some mortgage broker, attorney or some white collar job, but a plumber. And for his efforts he is being taxed ever more and would suffer greater financial hardship under Obama’s new and improved tax plan for America. So when he tells Obama he will pay even more tax’s to achieve this success the response he gets speaks volumes about Obamas doctrine, which simply put is to take more of his hard earned well deserved money and spread it to those who don’t.  Why does Obama feel that dollars earned by the “Rich” should be taken and given to the “Poor”? Just ask those at ACORN and I’m sure they could give you a dozen answers to that query. That my friends is re-distribution of wealth and socialist dogma through and through.

When I go to Obama’s website and read his plans the one thing that presents itself again and again is bigger government and crippling tax’s. Does anybody really think that if he lowers tax’s on 95% of the populace and guts the other 5% he can pay for all the government oversight and spending he is presenting? It’s pandering for votes via class warfare and it’s not balanced at all. We all know Biden’s view on taxing the wealthy minority, as if they finally are getting what’s coming to them and its now their “Patriotic Duty” to sit back, shut up, while they take more because after all they can afford it andothers less fortunate have a right to those dollars anyways. Rich people spend lot’s of money and pay alot of salary’s in the process lest anybody forget, and do there part to drive this economy.

Is business the bad guy here? Are big corporations evil? Some may be, but the vast majority are not. Wanting to turn a profit for investors or in the case of the small business for oneself is as natural and normal as breathing. Why not lower the corporate tax as some have suggested? We are in  a global market now and America needs to aggressively compete once again in it to keep and grow skilled high paid labor. Over time cheap labor will disappear overseas and we will be in a much better position to capitalize on it if we act now to get the ball rolling in that direction. By raising taxes especially on business in any form is cutting off the lifeblood of this nation in this rough economy. Tax’s and the Economy, there never is one without the other.

To get back on point is it sound economic policy to take from the rich and give to the middle and lower class? Absolutely not, but it is a good way to try andget elected by pandering to the majority. It destroys the entrepreneurial spirit on which this nation was founded, not to mention socialist ideology. May I remind those out there we still are a capitalist nation(for the moment). I am reminded by politicians of the old west offering bribes on election day to crowds in exchange for votes. Obama offers tax cuts to the vast majority and the rumor of a 2nd stimulus plan if elected. Cigar anybody?

Look at the economic and tax proposals of the Democratic and Republican candidates. One is a proponent of higher tax’s, big government, increased spending and increased oversight. The other supports smaller government, fiscal discipline, personal responsibility and keeping tax’s low for all Americans. One wants to cut spending, the other increase it. The choice is yours in November, so get involved, be a part of the solution and cast your vote!


With the world economy in bad shape(we are not alone mind you), the housing market in tatters, unemployment rates increasing and centers of wealth folding weekly how do you think Obama’s going to pay for his proposed $1,000,000,000,000 in new government spending? History bares witness to the results of raising taxes in poor economic times, or are those enamoured with Obama’s celebrity status so blind they would follow him right off a cliff like lemmings on the march? My opinion is if elected he will inevitably  lower his annual income bar to achieve his overall goals.

Fannie, Ayers and Acorn, oh my!

October 13, 2008

Everybody in Washington has skeletons in their closet, andhave done things that I am sure given a second chance would do differently, take Senator Kennedy for instance. But they move on and some bounce back, andsomedon’t depending on what way the political wind is blowing. Take McCains involvement in the Keating 5. Though he was later exonerated of any wrongdoing something of that nature can be disastrous to ones political aspirations regardless of the outcome.

Only now after over a year of campaigning we finally begin to see the liberal mainstream press give scant attention to a few of Obama’s skeletons, and only after Conservatives have been screaming it from every rooftop in the country for some time. Fair and balanced journalism my ass, it’s a sad fact to be sure. But is it to little to late?

Where to start…I am amazed for a man in the Senate for barely 4 years has adjusted so well to acting and spending like an old Washington pro. His pork-barrel/earmark spending totaled $932,000,000 in just 3 years of his 1st term. He only suspended it when he began his “Official” run for the White House. He solves problems or gets favors by throwing taxpayer dollars at it. McCain only told you half of the story regarding the Planetarium projector to be sure. It seems the original request was for 300k, but after the Chairman and two of the Vice Chairman of the Adler Planetarium Board of Trustees raised a total of almost $250,000 for Senator Obama’s 2008 Presidential campaign they were awarded a cool $3,000,000 earmark instead. That’s not all, take a look at an earmark to his wifes employer, and then her salary shortly thereafter. A voice for change and reformer he is not.

James Johnson and Franklin Raines. Don’t know who they are? They are former CEO’s of Fannie Mae and are in large part the cause for what has gone wrong in our economy. Did I mention they advised Obama? Google both of them, I dare you Liberals who read this, then try and defend them. These two are as slimy as the day is long. Johnson was appointed to head Obama’s vice-presidential selection committee, but he was forced to step down when a controversy surfaced in June concerning alleged millions in questionable real estate loans he had received on favorable terms from Countrywide that were outside the normal business channels. Raines at that time was playing a role advising the Obama presidential campaign on mortgage and housing policy. Are you kidding me? Both these guys walked away with millions upon millions of dollars for what, cooking the books, lying to everybody, grabbing as much money for themselves and lining politicians pockets to keep them fat, happy and stupid? So I guess Obama needed their advise in how to screw, mislead and cheat those around him? Which reminds me….

Obama received, lets see here, oh yea, $126,349 in campaign contributions from the before mentioned company in a scant 3 years in office, only 2nd to Christopher Dodd in overall $. You remember him, that’s one of the the windbag’s who spearheaded saving America to to try and cover up his own stupidity. So anyways, Obama received big money while our economy was sliding into the abyss. Talk about getting caught with your hand in the cookie jar.

Another shining star in Obama’s circle of friends is Tony Rezko. This guy has a rap sheet longer than my arm and is a certifiable scumbag. He was a political fundraiser convicted on several counts of fraud and bribery in 2008. Rezko has been involved in fund-raising for local Illinois Democratic and Republican politicians since the 1980s. In turn Rezkowas able to have business associates appointed onto several state boards. Rezko andseveral others were indicted on federal charges in October 2006 for using their connections to the state boards to demand kickbacks from businesses that wanted to do business with the state. While the others pleaded guilty to the charges, Rezko pleaded not guilty andwas found guilty of 16 of the 24 charges filed against him. These activities before charges were filed seemed to go unnoticed by those he aided in the Illinois government, including one Barrack Obama who landed a $250,000 donation from the man while running for the Senate. Kind of worked out like the Freddie deal.

Let’s not forget the man who helped Obama launch his political career. This man for some reason is looked upon by the liberal minded as a folk hero who stood up to the American government in turbulent times. I speak of the infamous domestic terrorist Bill Ayers of the Anti-Vietnam War group Weather Underground. Just to be clear, there is a difference between a protester practicing civil disobedience and a terrorist, well, blowing stuff up. Now many in the Obama camp have given conflicting reports on his relationship with Ayers but it is obvious that it’s just more than a guy he knew in the hood. They worked closely together on various projects and boards where BIG money was about including the Chicago Annenberg Challenge. Stanley Kurtz of the National Review Online wrote an in depth article regarding the issue surrounding the Ayers/Obama relationship that I found very informative.

How a man could gain such prominence in the Illinois educational system just floors me. This just goes to show just how liberal/radical minded our centers of higher learning are becoming and their willingness to accept and hold folks like Ayers in such high regards. It’s completely unacceptable. University of Illinois at Chicago (UCI) should never have let such a despicable character on the grounds let alone teach. It’s a discrace and a sham. Is this the type of radical “Education” that Obama buys into and has in mind for my kid if elected? Not no, but HELL NO. Funny thing that the vast $ recieved from the Chicago AnnenbergChallenge never went to the public schools directly, but instead went to “External Partners”. Proposals from groups focused on math/science achievement were turned down. Instead money  found it’s way to various far-left community organizers, such as the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (or Acorn). ACORN? Naw, that’s just coincidance and must be an attempted smear campaign by Conservatives to distort the truth about the Senator from Illinois. He would never want to push political beliefs on children that Ayers thought was appropriate and Obama agreed with instead of a real education. He would never take money meant for public schools and funnel it into radical political groups. Well folks, he did.

Last I bring ACORN to the table. This group last time I checked was under investigation in 11 states for voter registration fraud. Obama has given large sums of money ($800,000) to this organization and has waded hip deep with them for many years to reach his political goals. These people lie, cheat, mislead, commit fraud and make a mockery of our election system, and Obama has been with them every step of the way. I have two words for ACORN, POST OFFICE. Look, if you want to vote just go to your local post office and register! It’s that simple! You don’t need to deal with ACORN or any politically driven group when registering to vote. I wonder how many of the 1,315,037 people they “registered” are fraudulent? It’s a disgrace on so many levels, I can’t begin to express my disgust for this organization.

So in my ranting I can only come to one conclusion. These relationships and choices seriously call into question the Democratic nominee’s character, judgment and I for one do not agree with his liberal views or socialists policies. What might be accepted by those in Illinois is not acceptable to myself and many Conservative and Independent Americans. So go do your own research and homework on the issues, educate yourself, register at your local Post Office and make your voice heard!