Guess what….Hillary’s back!


Many sighed in relief when Hillary Clinton bowed out of the Presidential 08 race. I am of the opinion though that if she won her parties nomination we would be looking at a McCain Presidency for sure, for many Conservative Dem’s and Indy’s would have jumped ship at the mere thought of this individual running the country.

Let’s be real, she time and again barbecued Obama’s ass in molasses when chasing her parties nomination, and brought all her political power to bear to push him down or out to no avail(something the McCain folks should have picked up on and learned from). Both sides held closed door meetings trying to get the other to stand down but nothing happened until things started going sour for Clinton. She finally conceded (even though she swore to fight all the way to the convention) and asked her voters to get behind and support Obama. Next thing you know she and her porn star husband are campaigning all over the country for Obama like they were on his wagon from the start.

So as we all know Obama won and has been busy preparing to take the reigns in January. He has been appointing Clinton Era folks left and right to various posts in his administration. I guess that’s the “Change” he had in mind for this nation. Then it happened, and I could not believe it at first. He nominates Hillary to be his Secretary of State.

This person tore him to pieces during his run for President and really called into questioned everything one could think of. Rush said it best as to why he might have done it but I still could not believe he would appoint somebody who was so extremely critical of him and had no faith in his ability.     ,4670,TVLimbaughHillaryClinton,00.html         

While expressing my disbelief and disgust to Tom Paine he pointed out that more than likely this was already worked out and was one of the carrots wagged in front of her face if she backed out of the election race. And as I thought back to the race and recalled the actions of both him and Hillary’s camps in the time leading up to the DNC I think Tom was right. Shortly after Obama really started hitting the bricks with McCain Hillary rolled over and jumped on his wagon. Not only that he got a two-fer. Both Clinton’s for the price of one Cabinet Post.

I have taken the time to look into Hillary’s credentials, am not impressed and don’t see why he would pick such an individual to hold such a important post. Compare her background to the last 5 who have held the position and you might be concerned as well.

Lack of credentials and experience aside she has more skeletons in her closet than in the grounds of Forest Lawn. Obama should have NEVER picked or made any back room quid pro quo deals with her in regards to the top foreignaffairs position in the country. Poor judgement on his part to say the least, especially with all the unrest and anger that exhists throughout the world. A very poor call indeed, hopefully one that will not end in more spilled American blood.

I would hope the Senate can come to the conclusion that though she is a competent Jr Senator, she has no business being Secretary of State of the United States of America and remind Obama that his picks be in the bests interests of our country’s future and not his re-election strategy.


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